Q: What is this all about?
A: For almost 10 years, Georgia has had a mailing list server that allowed subscribers to communicate with each other. By sending a message to one place, almost 200 pinball collectors would get the message and could respond. All by e-mail.
Q: I was signed up before and in June of 2011 it just stopped.
A: Unfortunatly, the original GAPAS domain was not renewed in June and it expired. The people running this site have no control over it. We did manage the list software but unfortunatly, it was pretty unreliable as well.
Q: Do I have to sign up again for this site?
A: Yes. It’s free and we won’t distribute your e-mail address to anyone.
Q: Where is the digest feature that the old list had?
A: The software that manages this list has less features. There is no digest version.
Q: Will you be adding the digest feature?
A: Conditionally – Maybe. If someone can provide us with access to a “GNU Mailman” server for free, we will move over to it. If you can provide it or root access to an IX based system with an internet connection we will configure it. Post on the list and we’ll contact you.
Q: Why did you do it like this, why not the old way?
A: The list was down. Only a few people knew why. This was a quick and relatively inexpensive way to re-unite the local Pinball community.
Q: How can I help?
A: If you can help with the “GNU Mailman” need, let us know. If you would like to help admin this site, let us know.
Q: What do you plan to do with this web page?
A: Besides sign up for the list, we can put pictures up from past events. It might add another dimension to the list and GAPAS community.
Q: How will the old members be notified.
A: We have the master list from the old GAPAS software. They will be contacted by e-mail over the July 4, 2011 holiday (or earlier).
Q: How do I send something to the list?
A: Use your e-mail program and send a message to gapas@gapas.net . It will go to all subscribers. And yes, you do have to be a member to send to the list.
Q: Can I SPAM the list?
A: No. If you have something to sell or are looking for something pinball related, please post to the list.
Q: There used to be a GAVIDS list for video game collectors. Will it be back?
A: If people want it, we’ll add it. Post to GAPAS that you want it back and we’ll guage interest.
Q: If I post to this web page, will the GAPAS list get it?
A: No. They are separate systems. Don’t post here.
Q: Will there be Archives?
A: That function was handled by mailman. See, we need a Mailman server!
Q: Instead of this e-mail system, have you considered going to a forum system like PHPBB?
A: Yes, it was tried a few years ago and this was preferred. A poll was taken in August of 2011 and the idea was shot down.
Q: What about the Digest version?
A: Look, we have have no digest version, we’re sorry! Make your own by archiving all of the e-mails or something. Buy us a big LINUX machine with a free internet T1 and we’ll get it going. Why can’t you let this digest thing go?
Q: Why is there a Donate Button?
A: Hosting costs money. Small Donations take the strain off the operator who has been paying for GAPAS for years.
Q: I’ve tried to get off the mailing list by filling out the Unsubscribe form but I still keep getting GAPAS e-mails.
A: When you unsubscribe, the system sends you a confirmation e-mail that you must respond to. It does not come from GAPAS, but instead 1and1/IONOS. Look for it in your SPAM filter if you don’t get it. If nothing seems to work, write to subscriptions at gapas.net.